Bookings - NDIS

Brain Care is a registered NDIS provider offering supports under a wide range of categories which can be seen on our NDIS page. We offer support and a range of services to assist NDIS participants in achieving their goals. If you are an NDIS participant seeking to access services at Brain Care, the following steps will guide you.

Step 1 - Confirm Your Eligibility

If you answered YES to both questions, you are ready for the next step.

Step 2 - Gather Your Information

You will need to complete an NDIS Participant Form. You may download it, fill it in, and attach it to your booking request now. You can also print it and bring it to your first appointment. Alternatively, you can fill it in during your first visit to the clinic. The information you need to complete the form is:

  • Your NDIS number

  • Your NDIS plan end date

  • Your NDIS Support Coordinator

  • How your plan is managed (e.g. self-managed, plan managed, NDIS managed, or agency managed)

    If you are not sure, please refer to our NDIS FAQs or Contact Us.

    Once you have gathered this information, you are ready to complete the NDIS Participant Information Form

Step 3 - Contact Us

Please call our friendly staff to make your appointment, or use the contact form and we will reply within 24 hours during working days.

Book your consultation


(07) 5599 - 2220