Success Stories

Evie’s Story - Epilepsy

Just over 3 months ago my daughter Evie (15) completed a course of neurofeedback training at Brain Care in Tweed heads. It has been completely life changing ! And I feel like I need to share a bit of her story.

Leading up to this over the past 2 years, Evie’s life had severely deteriorated. She had developed epilepsy and had to be on strong anti epileptic drugs to try and stop the extended and sometimes multiple tonic clonic seizures she was suffering that more often than not ended up with her in hospital for days at a time.

The trauma of the seizures and the impact of the diagnosis, along with the terrible side effects of the medication such as severe tiredness, total lack of motivation, very sad, very frustrated and angry to the point of rage, anxiety, feeling totally anti social when she had been the most social kid around before. At the last appointment we had with the neurologist before we underwent neurofeedback, they wanted to put her on another medication along with the original one, presenting a whole range of even more side effects.

To say this totally affected not only Evie but our whole family unit is an understatement, we were absolutely at our wits end. Then under the guidance of Nerida Saunders at Brain Care Evie undertook her neurofeedback training and even after the first few sessions we could see noticeable differences in our girl. The training itself was easy and enjoyable for Evie in a very friendly, caring, safe and relaxed environment. (She was actually sad when it finished).

Since completing the training Evie has not had one single tonic clonic seizure !!!!!!!!!!!!!
And even if that was the only outcome then that would have been enough for us but there have been so many other amazing changes in her too. Such as:

-Increased motivation
-Increased energy
-More sociable
-More organised
-Less anxiety & stress
-Happier to go and involve herself in school
-Enjoying life more
-More pride in herself and more interested in self care such as diet
-Being able to think ahead and experience feelings of excitement
-Smiling more, laughing more and having such a better quality of life.

I cannot put into words how grateful we are for the training and I couldn’t recommend it highly enough. It has changed Evie’s life so much and our whole families life for the better.

Every person’s journey is unique. Over the years, we have seen improvements in the life quality of many people from all ages, presenting different symptoms -ranging from ADHD and Autism Spectrum to Traumatic Brain Injury. Some of them have decided to share their journey here.


“Thanks to the ongoing support from the NDIS and Brock’s therapists, Brock has the opportunity to develop appropriate and safe strategies that will help him to reach his goals, to become more independent and to participate in social activities with his peers and his family.”

Read Brock’s Story

Autism Spectrum

“I’m able to see things clearly, deal with social situations, and am able to ‘pass’ socially when need be. I’m also able to better express myself than I had before, where everything in my head was a pure blur of sound and song and sight.”

Read Zan’s Story

Traumatic Brain Injury

“Dick’s mood lifted and his sense of self grew. Dick now actively engages in conversations, makes eye contact and often even initiates conversation. He is empowered and comfortable making decisions on a daily basis. These are massive improvements from the depressive state Dick found himself in and the isolation he felt.”

Read Dick’s Story