HeartMath - Bluetooth Version - Inner Balance with Neurocoah Support


The Inner Balance uses an ear sensor to measure heart rate variability, which means the changing rhythm of your heart. Variability of this rhythm is affected by the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and its two branches (sympathetic and parasympathetic). When synchronised, these systems operate with increased efficiency and harmony. With HeartMath, you can train and shift emotional stress to emotional balance in your own space and time.

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How the Inner Balance works

The Inner Balance uses an ear sensor to measure heart rate variability; the changing rhythm of your heart. Variability of this rhythm is affected by the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and its two branches (sympathetic and parasympathetic).

How our bodies regulate

  • Our sympathetic branch is our fight or flight system and speeds up the heart’s rhythm

  • The parasympathetic branch is our rest and repair system and slows down the heart

The two systems continually work together to maintain an optimal heart rhythm and adjust to changes in the bodies external and internal environment.

Many factors can influence this pattern such as:

  • Our breathing patterns

  • Physical exercise

  • Thoughts and emotions

How our heart rhythm affects our emotions

Negative emotions such as stress, frustration and anger activate the sympathetic branch of our ANS and increase heart rate. This leads to a less coherent and erratic heart rhythm.

In contrast, positive emotions such as appreciation, joy and gratitude help to produce coherent heart rhythms due to both branches of the ANS being synchronised.

When synchronised, these systems operate with increased efficiency and harmony. This rhythm reflects the workings of your inner emotional and physical state and why it’s so important to have the ability to control these.

How self-regulation helps our bodies

Using heart rate variability biofeedback is helpful with:

  • Reducing stress

  • Symptoms of anxiety and depression

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Increasing concentration

  • Focus and overall wellbeing 

Inner Balance offers the tools you need to help regulate your emotions.

Inner Balance’s features include:

  • Real time Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Biofeedback

  • Guided Meditations

  • Real time coaching tips

  • Advanced settings customisable to your needs

  • Free online platform for users providing many extras.

       The HeartMath Inner Balance is a biofeedback device for home use.

      Bluetooth capabilities allows wireless connectivity and compatibility with Android and iPhone devices.


To ensure that you can get your InnerBalance up and running, Brain Care is offering complimentary assistance. This includes setting up and learning to use your device as well as any troubleshooting needs. Assistance is available only within Brain Care business hours. Price includes one hour of technical support delivered in one 60-minute session or two 30-minute sessions and is available by Telehealth, subject to practitioner availability.


Price includes GST, Shipping Costs and Neurocoach Support. Call us to make a booking.

Have questions? Contact Us.

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